In a world like this, people will finally be free to follow their dreams without worrying if they "have enough money". If that's not true freedom, I don't know what is.
There are many kinds of freedom, but Sociocapitalism focuses on two types in particular- Political, and Economic. Most of us live in places with a decent amount of political freedom, but representative democracy has completely failed to accurately express the will of the people time and time again. We're missing an element of direct delegative democracy that allows every citizen to have their voices heard.
Political Freedom
Sociocapitalism takes political freedom a step further through Local Sovereignty, which gives every city the freedom and independence to chart it's own path. You are free to move to any city you'd like in order to find the one that's right for you. With tribes, if you don't like your current government, you can create a new one. It may sound fantastic, but thanks to the internet it's as easy to govern someone from one mile away as it is 10,000. The borders of the world have disappeared, and it's time to act like it. They were never there in the first place- except in our head. For more information, see this.
Economic Freedom
Imagine, for a second, a world where everyone can work at the job of their dreams, and get paid for it. Artists can paint, engineers can design, and gardeners can garden. If you're like most people, you probably don't like your job- and if you do, congrats! You're one of the lucky ones. But for the rest of us, we only work where we do to "earn a living"- and if you hate your job, you really aren't living at all.
Today, the truth is we don't need everyone to work all the time. Technology has advanced to the point where most jobs can be fully automated, but aren't due to fears of unemployment. The Venus Project, the life work of Jacque Fresco speaks a lot more on this issue, and directly inspired the Resource-Based Economy featured in Sociocapitalism- with a few tweaks to make it a more realistic prospect. Sociocapitalism isn't a "moneyless society", but everything is free. Instead of getting rid of money (which would quickly lead to chaos), Sociocapitalism changes the way money works so that it works better for everyone. All goods will be provided free of charge- so you won't need to worry that you won't have enough anymore.
In an abundant society where people don't need to work to eat, the only remaining currency will be creativity and reputation- your social capital. Social Capital is so important that it's the name for the entire system.
Social Capital
There are really two economies at play in this new society- one for "goods" and one for "services". Goods are scarce and limited, but services are unlimited, (or limited only by the human imagination). While goods are free to everyone, people will still be paid for their services- just not with money. They will be paid with intangible values such as reputation, trust and kinship.
Social Capital is difficult to define, but you can think of it as the collective value held in all human relationships. It's the difference between you getting the promotion, and someone else the manager personally knows. Social Capital can be gained, spent and lost- and it can be earned whenever you create something people connect with. We live in the age of sharing, where views and likes have become a new form of social currency. Why not embrace it? Social Capital is what will allow us to move from a debt-based economy to a creativity-based one. Let's take the example of a comedian who gets millions of views on Youtube, yet still struggles to pay off his student loans. Why? These views prove that his work is valuable to society, and that people care. You'll find your answer in today's debt-based economic system, where monetary value is the only value that matters. The truth is that most value isn't monetary at all! In sociocapitalism, everything counts. Learn more here.
Communism or Capitalism?
How about "neither"? Both have failed to fulfill their promises. Capitalism hasn't lifted everyone out of poverty and the invisible hand can't keep you warm at night. Communism just replaced one power elite with an even worse one. Sociocapitalism is not a combination of socialism and capitalism- it's something completely different. Using the power of creativity, it becomes possible to do things we never could do before. But first, we have to change the goal of society from "making the most money" to "making the most people better off". By changing the way money works so that it works better for everyone, Sociocapitalism will.
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